Inflammation.. What you need to know and how it can benefit

Inflammation in the body is very normal and before we get going it occurs everyday and is ok in…. mild dosages.

Inflammation may be caused from digestive issues, muscle damage, irritation or infections to the body, like I said very normal and without these inflammatory responses our bodies can not heal to become stronger internally and externally

The reason for this post is related at more of the physical stresses from exercise and what we can do to increase recovery and reduce Inflammation AFTER exercise. I highlighted after as inflammation prior and during exercise is important, we need the muscle to breakdown, swell and effectively become damaged. This in tell will create an inflammatory response for the body to drive nutrients, oxygenated blood and necessary tools for optimal repair and growth.., for most of us, what we want and need from our training

So In terms of what we can externally do is keep close eye on our nutrition, nutrient timing, water intake and vitamin and mineral uptake.

Diet - Essential fatty acids (EFAs) / Unsaturated Fats

Unsat Fats or predominately EFAs are quite simply essential to the body meaning we need them and we can not live without them, these Fats have incredibly high level of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties making them the best foods for reducing inflammation around training to improve recovery and strength for the skeletal and immune system

My go-to fat foods of choice are:-


Mac/nut Oils or Extra Virgin Olive oils

Almonds, Walnuts

Oily fish

Dark Chocolate 70+% … I said Dark.. not milky, caramel, crunchy filled with cream chocolate thing :)

Personally I would have these foods in and around your day, probably not before or after as our main source of energy comes from carbohydrate and protein for repair but at least 2 servings a day of the above will really help reduce any inflammation to skeletal, digestive or infectious issues.

For People who have digestive issues I would still have 2 servings of the above in your plan and of course identifying / addressing the foods that cause irritation. Below are some of the best foods that will aid and Increase better digestion thus reducing any inflammation, Again I would have at least 2 servings a day.

Dark leafy greens - kale, spinach

Cherries and Berries

Tomatoes and Peppers

Spices - Tumeric, Curcumin, Garlic, Ginger

I would highly recommend for us all to add these in, not just your fitness enthusiast… Everyone!!!

we all incur some sort of stress through the day!!!!!

So to recap, Inflammation is ok and we need it to repair and strengthen the body. Too much though and we can cause real problems, internal stress, immune and digestive upsets and external skeletal and tissue damage to hinder any progress in and out of the gym. Implement the above and read the next blog :)


Marty Rice