You’re probably thinking about that summer body

Yep summer, it’s round the corner and with 16 weeks till the sun beats down on our pallor skin we are probably thinking we should start to trim the fat and unveil the masterpiece sophisticatedly walking Bournemouth esplanade in our sliders and Roy bans

So what do we do first? 5 cardio sessions 30 mins a piece every morning? Super high caffieneated fat burners straight off my proteins shelf’s ?? Or maybe that low crb diet you did last year and lost a stone in a week and somehow crept back on at Christmas ?? Or what about those popular meal replacement shakes? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Let me take you through some really simply and low impact choices to get where you want in the given time preparation is key and il help you outline what areas to look at and when to change them. This will be brief as everybody is different but you get the idea along the way.

Now, what comes to mind when you think of losing fat





Let’s use these 4 components

Now before you begin it’s important to record days 1 current level of each of the 4 components above , for example

Current Diet -

Any cardiovascular exercise -

Current supplementation if any -

Are you training? Attending a gym? Any resistance based exercise

Once we have clear understanding we start to make 1 change at a time, very gradual, this is appropriate for absolute beginners starting out to athletes.

Change number 1 week 1

“dietary tidying” eliminating all sauces and condiments from current eating plan, eliminating all refined processed food (this could be a vast amount of food so replace with whole foods) processed foods are food that are man made… bread, bars, fizzy drinks… whole foods are items that can be picked, killed, harvested ect… don’t drop kcal intake just yet as the next step will help

Change number 2 week 2

Enforce NEAT into your daily routines - this is Non- exercise activity thermogenesis, this is the energy that is expended when we are not training, sleeping ect .. other activities for example if you’re a 9-5 desk worker try standing for 3 of those hours creating a higher energy output.

Change number 3 week 3

If not already, start using resistance training as your go to exercise, 3 times per week full body exercise utilising functional movement patterns that are specific to you.. deadlift, squat, bending, twisting, single leg movement to name a few, the thermic effect and demand resistance training has on the body will yield greater results in fat loss than cardio alone.

Change number 3 week 3

if weight has stalled or you fill nothing else can be done, give your body a few days to relax unwind and kick back with a meal of choice you really enjoy, take a day off training, go for brisk walk with the family. The short time off will help mentally and physically stimulate new wave of fat loss when we begin again in a few days

Change number 4 week 4

the addition of cardiovascular exercise, cycling , walking will enable a greater caloric loss. Remember gradual, so start with 20 mins 2/3 times per week by this time just from the above 3 points you would of lost a substantial amount already we will continue this with the cardio addition

Change number 5 week 5

supplementation - including mild thermogenic supplements will help boost energy and overall performance in and out of the gym caffeine, green tea, cinnamon, cocoa are my choice of natural thermogenics

we are 5 weeks into our project summer body and really we haven’t enforced too much change that will cause shock to the body. Positive change comes from the want to change and for the better of health and wellbeing, by implementing these changes now not only will you be looking good but feeling better from within

This process of change will continue for the next 10 weeks with the correct mindset and consistant behaviours from the above.

only further changes in diet and activity will get you where you want

Times up…. Today is day 1… Begin

Marty Rice