Hitting the half way point.... 7 and 8 weeks out
Following on from my last post 7 weeks ago, I have hit the half way point in this stage of preparation for shows in September. I say shows lightly, My coach and I have agreed given the progress I have made in such a short time we could really drop the hammer down and go for a sooner show 1 week before The PCA Midlands on the 15th September.
Life will throw curve balls so i’m staying focus for one show but if i’m mentally and physically ready, I wont turn the chance down to step on stage with some of the best UK amateurs there are.
Since June Training, Diet and Drugs and been fairly consistent, I spoke before in previous blogs about consistency being key during any phase of training , if you’re growing or dropping fat I stand by that statement. Below are the changes I have implemented in the space of 2 months from 15 weeks out to 7 weeks out
7 and 8 weeks out
Diet - Reduced carb in take in all meals by 20-30g (80-120kcal) reduced fats by a total of 25g (225kcal)
Training - Exactly the same no drop in load no drop in volume - maintaining high intense work throughout
Drugs - Introduced Tren a and Mast p at 150mg a week 50mg Anavar pre workout
Cardio - gradually tapered up to from 30 mins to 60 mins a day
As a whole the above changes are fairly straight forward, I have pushed a little harder on cardio, pulled a little food back and some useful low androgenic compounds to aid recovery, look and strength.
Point being, If you’re someone going through any phase of increasing or reducing body fat make small changes only when necessary and change with your body not against it. I give some useful tips on my summer body blog about what you can do during your phase of change.
For anybody reading this thinking well Mart I haven’t got an hour in the morning to do cardio, I don’t want to take drugs you’re just cheating mate, (ye whatever, come at me with facts first before you throw the easiest excuse under the sun at me) I train hard enough but I cant change my body or Ive been doing everything you said Im just not changing…… Well…. MUSH. Lets put things in to perspective. Ive been eating, give or take, a few items the same thing now for 15 weeks… I have been accountable to every bit of food thats hit my mouth making changes when needed from the response obtained… Tell me this.. What did you eat last Saturday?, And the Saturday after that?.. tell me straight that you have adhered to a plan or structured diet that coincides your goal for at least 4 weeks.., I bet your bottom dollar you haven’t. You probably forgot about that bottle of wine last week, or that chippy dinner last Friday , put all these elements into a structured consistent plan and watch the changes happen, Food, Resistance based Training, daily calorie expending… everything should be considered right?
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